(A)typical morning

01 Apr

When I awoke Tuesday morning, I had no idea that the day was going to be the topic for my first blog.  It started out very usual:

Wake up early, get the kids up, go for a run, return in time to sign last minute tests and permission slips (being careful not to drip sweat), scoot them out the door, and head straight for the coffee pot. 

Ahh… my favorite part of the day. 

For the next few hours, I manage my time to the minute.  I know exactly how long it will take me to eat, shower, straighten the kitchen, put in a load of laundry, pack my lunch, grab some more coffee and head out the door for work.  I glance at the clock. I’m right on time. 

I grab EVERYTHING at once (because there’s no time in the schedule to make two trips to the car), and balancing my coffee cup on my backup coffee cup (don’t ask), I carefully open the door to the garage. I have to use my mouth to steady one coffee cup on top of the other – a stunt that I have always managed to pull off – except for that morning.   That morning, the top cup begins to slip.  Although my reflexes were pretty quick, the coffee (that I had zapped in the microwave for a few seconds longer to ensure it stay hot for the entire hour commute to work), managed to slosh out the top of the cup, onto my chest, and down my shirt.


 I had not planned this incident into my routine.  I drop everything on the kitchen floor, run to the bathroom, re-dress, and examine my bright red, burning chest in the mirror.  Slightly aggravated that I have to change clothes, slightly aggravated that my chest is on fire, and very aggravated that my coffee cup is now less at least 4 gulps of coffee, I re-gather all my things, and head out the door for the second time.  (Yes, balancing the coffee cups like I always do, albeit a little more carefully.) 


At least for a little while.  As the day continues, I realize that the morning’s events were just a foreshadowing of the day that was in store for me, but those stories will have to be told another day, as I have reached my allotted blogging time.  🙂


Posted by on April 1, 2011 in Blunders


4 responses to “(A)typical morning

  1. Jules

    April 2, 2011 at 12:50 am

    I love it!!!!!!!!! That is such a great first blog. I feel like I’ve learned so much about you! I have my morning planned out too…. I have to be out of the bathroom with my hair and makeup done by 6a.m….then go start the coffee…find something to wear….make lunch and breakfast (assuming I didn’t change my clothes more than once or twice), usually putting a bagel in the toaster while I’m mixing my coffee, then get my bottle of water ready, make sure I have everything, and head out the door. And I manage to get to work about 2 or 3 minutes before I’m supposed to clock in. I used to be early about 20 minutes to work every day, and I can’t figure out how I used to do that.

    Burning your skin with coffee doesn’t feel good…I’ve spilled coffee on my pants on the way to work before…that’s one of the reasons I wear dark pants all the time 🙂 so I can spill food and drinks on myself.

    I think we need to hear about this backup cup of coffee… 🙂

  2. Mike

    April 2, 2011 at 1:16 am

    You’re pretty coordinated. Two coffee cups? I thought I drank a lot of caffeine! I’m definitely a fan of loading everything up in your arms in order to avoid making two trips to the vehicle, though. Sorry to hear about the incident. Hope tomorrow is better for you!

  3. territerri

    April 7, 2011 at 1:23 am

    Jules sent me over here because she knew I’d want to read the words of a fellow bowling fanatic 🙂

  4. towardshealthylife

    February 16, 2012 at 6:56 am

    haha! I’m the first one to “like” your first post 😉


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