Daily Archives: December 11, 2012


We began our family, unintentionally, soon after we got married.  A post holiday party careless incident was to blame.

Luckily we had nine months to prepare our young selves for the adventure we were about to plunge into.  Actually 9 and a half months.  Link entered into our world 2 1/2 weeks after his due date, weighing in at a healthy 9 pounds 3 oz.

Knowing we wanted a big family, we made the decision to have the kids close together.  They would be great friends, and we’d be done with the parenting process at a young-er age.

Chip was born 19 months later, followed by Amp.  True to Amp’s character, we had to fight with him to even be conceived.  He’s just so slow at some things.  Eventually he came around and was born 2 1/2 years after Chip.

With three boys in just over 4 years, Hubby was done.  I, however, wanted a girl.  Bad.

Some pouting ensued.  A few tears were shed.  And eventually hubby began to see things my way.

Less than 6 years after Link was born, Mario arrived in all her girlness.  I was overjoyed.

Until I got home.

Four young kids, all at home, with only one in school part-time, is a bit overwhelming.

I remember sitting on the living room floor thinking to myself How did I ever think I could handle four kids?!

For 8 years I stayed home with them, handling them the best I could.  Most times, I felt like I was doing a pretty crappy job, but I continued to trudge along.  I was heavily involved in their school, along with their multiple extra-curricular activities.

It was during a boy scout activity that I realized I must be doing an okay job, at least in Amp’s 6 year old eyes.

The boys were all listening to a police man explain the dangers of strangers.  One of his tips for them was to travel in groups of 3 or more. He called 3 kids up to demonstrate.  Amp and I watched as he grabbed one of them with his right hand, then the other with his left.  “See?  He said.  “Even a big guy like myself can only handle 2 kids at a time.  That leaves the third to go for help.”

Amp immediately raised his hand.

My mom can handle four kids at a time!

I can?

I didn’t believe it, but I’m glad I had him fooled.


Posted by on December 11, 2012 in Blunders, Everyday Living, Family, Humor


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