Daily Archives: January 24, 2013

Back At It

Went for a brisk little run this morning.

17 degrees.

10.7 miles.

Oh yeah.

After cooling down outside, I came in and immediately wanted to snuggle with my winter love.


When I’d had enough of that, I went for a roll on my bedroom floor til I was weak in the arms.


Feelin’ pretty good, I sat down for some coffee.  I had only been sitting a few minutes, when I got up to fix breakfast.  My calves immediately made it known to me they were not going anywhere anymore!  They refused to budge.  I slowly coaxed them into just going a few more steps, by bribing them with another roll on the floor.

That seemed to satisfy them enough to allow me to make breakfast.

After another roll, they were eager to take me grocery shopping.

By the end of the day, I could tell I’d run my longest ever, but my muscles had recovered much faster than I’d anticipated.  Especially after the long break they took while I was down and out.

I take back everything I said about them a few weeks ago.

Although, maybe…

maybe that was the incentive they needed to get us back to where we started.


Posted by on January 24, 2013 in Health and Fitness, Running


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