Monthly Archives: December 2014

Just like that, it’s over

And it wasn’t so bad!  Yeah, I missed Link, but we skyped him in the afternoon and watched him open his gifts.   It was almost like he was here.  Before hanging up, we made plans for next year.  He’s already put in for vacation time, so hopefully it will be honored.  And he may bring his friends home too.  Extra bodies next year will certainly make up for the missing bodies this year.

With only the five of us, the holiday was pretty quiet and laid back.   I stole Frankie’s brilliant idea of putting together a puzzle on Christmas Eve.  You know, Frankie, the mistreated mom on The Middle.  I totally get her.  I chose a fun candy bar wrapper puzzle, and while they groaned a bit when I told the kids of my plan, we were soon addicted.  Within 24 hours we had the puzzle put together.


I wish I had the camera stand we bought Link.  It’s designed to take pics of things on a table top, like a card game… or a puzzle.  Instead, I took a billion blind pictures, and this was the best one.

We also managed to watch a few more “classic” movies.  Planes, Trains and Automobiles and Jerry McGuire.  The kids seem to enjoy watching movies we thought were pretty good back in the day.  (Some of our most favorites are What’s Eating Gilbert Grape, The Breakfast Club, and Fargo.  And we’re always open for suggestions…)

After the presents were opened and our bellies were stuffed,  we piled into the van to go caroling bowling.  Who knew people go bowling on Christmas?!  Seems lots of us do.

Christmas bowling

We were asked to get closer. Only Chip and I listened.

The infamous googly eyes made the trip with us.  Doesn’t take much to entertain the boys.





Christmas is once again in the past.  The house is slowly getting back to normal and signs of Christmas coming to a close are everywhere.   The most prominent clues – tons of Christmas clearance sales, and our neighbor’s lawn.  Their Christmas tree has now joined the sagging pumpkins on their front lawn.  Wonder what we’ll see after the New Year’s celebration.


Can’t wait to see if I’m right.



Posted by on December 28, 2014 in Bowling, Family, Holidays


Could it be?

I’m feelin’ a little somethin’.  A bit of excitement.  A warm fuzzy.  Somethin’.

It started yesterday as I was boxing up a few stocking stuffers for Link.  I’m still extremely sad that he won’t be with us on Christmas Day, but as I wrapped his new toothbrush, and some batteries, some candy, and some Ski (that you can only get around here), I began feeling a little better.  He will be able to open the silly gifts that  Santa usually stuffs his stocking with.  I’m hoping it helps him feel like he’s home.  I wonder if he’s as sad as I.  I sincerely hope not.

Normally, I loathe shopping, but when Hubby and I hit the stores, and began finding things we knew the kids would get a kick out of, it became fun.  We weren’t buying just stuff, we were buying for THEM.  I brightened up when I realized the season can be exciting even though the kids are grown.

The biggest kid, by far, is my Hubby.  As I put a few gifts under the tree, I saw this:


And later when I opened the freezer,


He bought himself some googly eyes and is quite giddy over them.  Even Mario got a kick out of them…..


……although she got in trouble for popping a few of them.  “I couldn’t help it,” she explained to him.  “It’s like bubble wrap, once you start, you can’t stop.”

My hubby doesn’t know this, all he sees is my constant eye rolling, but I get a kick outa his childish antics.

I doubt the cat does…


I feel relieved things are turning around for me, and I’m looking forward to spending Christmas with the kids that are home. Now if I can just keep my Scrooge bottled up.

bottled scrooge



Posted by on December 20, 2014 in Holidays, Parenting


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It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas.  On the outside looking in, anyway.

I’ve got some of the shopping done, but still have plenty to go.  Too much, in fact.  But heck, I got plenty of time.  10 days!

Yesterday, I talked Mario into doing a candlelight house tour in a historic town not far from here.  The old homes were beautifully decorated and fun to see.  It was nice, but wasn’t enough to build excitement for Christmas.

Next up, the high school Christmas concert.  I love going to the kids’ concerts, and this was no exception.  I was a little nervous when Amp asked me to record a few songs on his phone.  Seeing my hesitation he quickly assured me, “It’s fool-proof”  as he walked me through the steps of pulling up his camera and pressing record.  I practiced a few times before letting him leave.   During the concert, I’d find myself deeply entranced in the music, and then I’d suddenly remember the camera and my heart would stop.  I was so afraid I’d miss the songs he wanted or screw up the phone somehow.  But I didn’t, and the concert was fantastic, yet I still don’t feel Christmassy.

Maybe it’s the 50 degree temps with gray skies and rain.  Maybe it’s because I’m feeling a little down about work.  Maybe it’s because Link won’t be home.

Whatever the reason, I’m not quite feeling the season.

I’m hoping to snap out of it this week.  I have more days off than what I’m scheduled to work.  I should finish up my shopping, do some baking, and listen to Christmas songs.  I should plan a fun day with the kids.  I should reflect on what Christmas is all about.  I should….

Sheesh, I hope my Christmas spirit shows up soon.

Christmas spirit





Posted by on December 17, 2014 in Everyday Living, Holidays


Why vanity is a sin

Thirty minutes today.  Thirty minutes!

That’s how long I stood in front of the mirror huffing and puffing trying to get my unruly hair to lay just so.  Eventually I waved the white flag and pulled my hair back.  I’d be better off replacing my mirror with this….


I spent so long fighting the do, that I had to rush to the store to get Mario’s ingredients for the cake she needed to bake tonight.  As I loaded the car with groceries, the wind whipped through my hair, wrestling it loose from the clip I’d finally succumbed to.  *sigh*

I rushed back home, unloaded the groceries, reset my hair and left for work.

Forty-five minutes into my commute, just as my aggravation and stress was subsiding, all three lanes of traffic came to a halt.  For thirty minutes, we crawled at a snail’s pace past the three workers who nonchalantly went about filling the holes between the lanes.  I felt my blood pressure rise as I wondered if this would be the first time in five years I would be late for work.

Soon the dam opened up, and with just a few minutes to spare, I clocked in.

Now, I am home again, settled into my corner of the couch, and reflecting on the long @$$ day I just had.

Amazing how my little corner of the couch, which fits me so well, can immediately take away my stresses.

couch time






Posted by on December 11, 2014 in Blunders, Everyday Living


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The days after

Our early Thanksgiving celebration was a blast, but our Black Friday shopping was a bust.

Firstly, we weren’t able to go on Friday since I worked late, so Saturday morning, I drug my sleepy backside out of bed, rounded up Mario and headed into the city.

Our first stop was high on everyone’s list – St. Clair Bowl.  The aisles were jam packed with people.  Some on ladders, some with periscopes and many traveling back and forth between the lanes.  Mario and I fought our way through the crowds and managed to slide into the pro shop unharmed.  Luckily IT was not crowded at all.  We picked out her Christmas present , drilled it to fit her hand, then fought the crowds to get back to our car.  She’d wanted to try it out, but with the collegiate tournament going on, no lanes were available.  And since we forgot our periscope, we couldn’t watch either.

We then hit the crowds at Gordman’s.  We elbowed our way to the clearance aisle, found the perfect plastic bottle, and then stood in the long line to check out.   Two dollars and 17 cents later, we were outa there.

Our final stop was Target.  Not quite as busy, so we were able to quickly pick up a collared shirt for me, and a bunch of candy to fill the previously mentioned plastic bottle.

Maybe not what the typical Black Friday shoppers were after, but we got just what WE needed.  Come to think of it, it wasn’t a bust at all.

As the weekend continued, I felt almost normal.  It’s quite unusual for me to have a real Saturday and Sunday off.  So I enjoyed it while I could.  The weather was phenomenal, so I washed my car and somewhere between us going in and out, the cat got loose.  We didn’t realize it until Sunday morning when he wasn’t on our bathroom counter begging us for food.

All day we worried about him, calling his name any time we went outside.  As night fell, along with the temperatures, our worries began to grow.  We left the garage door open so he could find warmth and headed to bed.

When I awoke at 5 AM, I heard him immediately. (Remember his crackly nose?) “You found him!”  I whispered loudly.  I ran to gather him up, then just as quickly, I dropped him.  He was completely crusty!  He’d obviously found a few mud puddles while perusing the neighborhood, or most likely, hiding in fear.

Hubby’s job while I went into work, was to de-crust him.  He texted me after…  “The cat’s bath didn’t go well.  It looked like a mud wrestling match took place in our bathroom.”

Lovely.  I’d just cleaned it.

But he’s clean now, and warm, and safe, and hanging out by the door in case we leave it open again.

Curiosity really is going to kill him.



Posted by on December 3, 2014 in Everyday Living, Family